Loredana Teodorescu

Loredana Teodorescu is Senior Fellow on gender issues in international relations at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Head of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network.
Expert in EU policies and governance, in particular in the fields of migration and foreign policy, women's leadership and participation, and women, peace and security agenda, she is also the President of the Italian branch of Women In International Security (WIIS) and Head of European and International Affairs of Istituto Luigi Sturzo. She is a Board Member of the the European Movement Italy, Research Associate of the Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies in Brussels and of WIIS Global in Washington, and author of HerAndEU Podcast. She is also part of numerous networks of experts including the Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Fundamental Rights Agency and the Consultative Forum of the European Asylum Agency. Previously, she was an expert advisor to the Senate's Extraordinary Human Rights Commission and she worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the EU Presidency.
After a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a master's degree in International Relations, she earned a PhD in Political Science-European and International Studies from Roma Tre University, focusing on EU migration policy and the link between foreign policy and internal security.
Selected publications:
- Rafforzare il dialogo transatlantico. Il ruolo della NATO e la cooperazione NATO-UE di fronte alle sfide comuni (curatela), Editoriale Scientifica, 2021
- Pushing for Change in Belarus: the Role of Women and Civil Society, in Building a Civil Society in Belarus, Martens Centre for European Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2021
- Riflessioni sul futuro dell'Europa. Un confronto generazionale per rilanciare l'UE (curatela), Editoriale Scientifica, 2020
- La questione migratoria: un nodo cruciale per il futuro dell’Unione europea, in "Riflessioni sul futuro dell'Europa", Editoriale Scientifica, 2020
- Women as key players for mediation, peace and security, in Quaderns de la Mediterrània n.28, IEMED, 2019
- Beyond emergency measures: The need for a holistic and truly European approach to migration, in European View, SAGE, Vol.2, October 2018
- Politica esterna di immigrazione dell’Unione europea e suoi legami con la dimensione interna, in La Cittadinanza europea, Franco Angeli, n. 2/2018
- Ambition versus reality: partnering on migration with the neighbours, in European View, Springer, Vol. 1, June 2017