Michael Werz

Michael Werz is a scholar and policy expert with a focus on climate migration, US foreign policy, transatlantic relations including Turkey and Mexico. He contributes to the IAI-led project “Nexus25: Shaping multilateralism” and previously has done academic research on migration and diversity, Anti-Americanism in Germany and Europe, US foreign and security policy, non-traditional threat scenarios (climate change, human mobility and conflict, Muslim and other minorities in Europe and the United States). Academic publications and teaching include intellectual migration and Western intellectual history, dynamics of race and ethnicity in 20th century United States and Europe, prejudice and xenophobia, traditional and modern anti-semitism. He holds an MA and PhD in Philosophy from Goethe University in Frankfurt, and a Postdoctoral degree (Habilitation) from Leibniz University in Hannover. He has held appointments as a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, and as Kennedy Fellow at Harvard’s Center for European Studies.
His publications include:
● “The Turkish Diaspora in Europe. Integration, Migration, and Politics” (with Max Hoffman, Alan Makovsky), in Center for American Progress Reports, December 2020
● The Effects of a Suspension of Turkey’s EU Accession Process (with Max Hoffman), Essen, Stiftung Mercator, October 2019
● “Supporting Global Food Security in a Changing Climate through Transatlantic Cooperation” (with Benjamin Pohl), in Center for American Progress Reports, 29 March 2016
● “Climate Change, Migration, and the Demand for Greater Resources: Challenges and Responses” (with Max Hoffman), in SAIS Review of International Affairs, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Winter-Spring 2015), p. 99-108
● “Climate Change, Migration, and Nontraditional Security Threats in China. Complex Crisis Scenarios and Policy Options for China and the World” (with Lauren Reed), in Center for American Progress Reports, May 2014
● “Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict in South Asia. Rising Tensions and Policy Options across the Subcontinent” (with Arpita Bhattacharyya), in Center for American Progress Reports, December 2012
● “Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict in Northwest Africa. Rising Dangers and Policy Options Across the Arc of Tension” (with Laura Conley), in Center for American Progress Reports, April 2012
● “Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict. Addressing Complex Crisis Scenarios in the 21st Century” (with Laura Conley), in Center for American Progress Reports, January 2012