Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Egitto + Politica estera Usa


Human Rights and Civil Society in Gaza: A New Role for the EU

Are Hovdenak, Raffaele Marchetti, Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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Gaza's hell: Why the EU must change its policy

Michael Emerson, Nathalie Tocci, Richard Youngs

In: Other papers and articles

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Lessons from Gaza: Why the EU Must Change its Policy

Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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Putting the Mediterranean Union in Perspective

Roberto Aliboni, Ahmed Driss, Tobias Schumacher

In: Other papers and articles

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Union for the Mediterranean: building on the Barcelona acquis

Roberto Aliboni

In: Other papers and articles

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L'iniziativa dell'Unione per il Mediterraneo

Roberto Aliboni

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti. Contributi 85

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Domestic Change and Conflict in the Mediterranean

Amr Elshobaki, Khaled Hroub, Daniela Pioppi

In: Other papers and articles

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A Cost/Benefit Analysis of the ENP for the EU's Southern Partners

Michele Comelli, Maria Cristina Paciello

In: Other papers and articles

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Conflict Prevention in the EMP

Roberto Aliboni, Yasar Qatarneh

In: Other papers and articles

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Il Golfo e l'Unione europea

Roberto Aliboni

In: IAI Quaderni 28

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