Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Mediterraneo + Politica di vicinato Ue


Sudan's Transition in the Balance

Theodore Murphy

In: IAI Papers 21|38

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Lead Groups in EU Foreign Policy: The Cases of Iran and Ukraine

Riccardo Alcaro, Marco Siddi

In: Other papers and articles

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The European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Towards a New Path

Adel Abdel Ghafar, Silvia Colombo

In: Books

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Climate Change and Sustainability: Mediterranean Perspectives

Andrea Dessì, Daniele Fattibene, Flavia Fusco

In: IAI Research Studies 6

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Sovereignty and multilateralism

Riccardo Alcaro

In: Other papers and articles

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Decolonising Knowledge: A Euro-Mediterranean Perspective

Lorenzo Kamel

In: IAI Commentaries 21|39

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Making Sense of Italy's Renewed Economic Diplomacy Towards Libya

Dario Cristiani, Silvia Colombo

In: IAI Commentaries 21|35

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The Two Souls of the Egyptian Revolution and Its Decline

Mattia Giampaolo

In: IAI Papers 21|29

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Beyond Stability: A United Libya will Not End the Migration Challenge for Italy and the EU

Luca Barana, Dario Cristiani, Asli Selin Okyay

In: IAI Commentaries 21|33

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