Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Mediterraneo + Unione europea


The Libyan Security Continuum

Djallil Lounnas

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 15

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The Implications of the Syrian War for New Regional Orders in the Middle East

Rami G. Khouri

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 12

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Migratory Management in Morocco - What Do the Stakeholders Think?

Noureddine Harrami, Khalid Mouna

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 20

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The Governance of Migration and Border Controls in the European-North African Context

Jean-Pierre Cassarino, Raffaella A. Del Sarto

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 13

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Forty Years of Camp David, Forty Years Without Peace

Daniela Huber

In: IAI Papers 18|15

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Regional Powers and the Production of Insecurity in the Middle East

Waleed Hazbun

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 11

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