Militarization and Militia-ization: Dynamics of Armed Group Proliferation in Egypt and Libya
Rasmus Alenius Boserup, Virginie Collombier
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 17
Jihadist Groups in North Africa and the Sahel: Between Disintegration, Reconfiguration and Resilience
Djallil Lounnas
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 16
The Libyan Security Continuum
Djallil Lounnas
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 15
New Trends in Identity Politics in the Middle East and North Africa and Their Impact on State-Society Relations
Silvia Colombo
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 14
The Implications of the Syrian War for New Regional Orders in the Middle East
Rami G. Khouri
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 12
Migratory Management in Morocco - What Do the Stakeholders Think?
Noureddine Harrami, Khalid Mouna
In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 20
China's Global Ambitions and the MENA Region: A Focus on the Energy Sector
Alice Vanni
In: IAI Commentaries 18|54
The Governance of Migration and Border Controls in the European-North African Context
Jean-Pierre Cassarino, Raffaella A. Del Sarto
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 13
The EU and 50 Years of Occupation: Resistant to or Complicit with Normalization?
Daniela Huber
In: Other papers and articles
Forty Years of Camp David, Forty Years Without Peace
Daniela Huber
In: IAI Papers 18|15