Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Medioriente + Mediterraneo + Unione europea


Libya: Moving Beyond the Transitional Mood

Virginie Collombier

In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 11

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I conflitti in Siria e Libia

Natalino Ronzitti, Elena Sciso

In: Other papers and articles

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All Is Not Quiet on the Western Front

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Papers 18|07

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Europe and Iran's Nuclear Crisis. Lead Groups and EU Foreign Policy-Making

Riccardo Alcaro

In: Other papers and articles

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The EU, Resilience and the MENA Region

Silvia Colombo, Andrea Dessì, Vassilis Ntousas

In: Books

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Unsustainable Instability in Libya

Karim Mezran

In: IAI Commentaries 18|13

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The EU and Islamist parties in Tunisia and Egypt after the Arab uprisings: A story of selective engagement

Benedetta Voltolini, Silvia Colombo

In: Other papers and articles

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Vol. 53, No. 1, March 2018


The Middle East's Troubled Relationship with the Liberal International Order

Paul Salem

In: The International Spectator 53/1
Vol. 53, No. 1, March 2018

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