Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Giovani + Medioriente


The Role of Civil Society in Morocco: Towards Democracy or Autocracy?

Khalid Mouna

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 13

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Lebanon-EU Relations and Ways Forward

Karina Goulordava

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 12

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La ricetta energetica del Golfo

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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Embeddedness of the MENA in Economic Globalization Processes

Eckart Woertz, Irene Martinez

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 8

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Morocco's African Foreign Policy

Nizar Messari

In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 12

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Bringing Social Justice and Human Rights Back In

Daniela Huber, Maria Cristina Paciello

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 11

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Winning Back the "Left Behind": Iran's New Nationalist Agenda

Emanuele Bobbio

In: IAI Papers 18|09

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Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2018


The In-securitisation of Youth in the South and East Mediterranean

Emma Murphy

In: The International Spectator 53/2
Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2018

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