Publications > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Italia + Libia + Politica estera


Challenging the State in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Identities

Nizar Messari, Lorenzo Kamel, Zeynep Gülöz Bakır

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 1

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UAE-Backed Militias Maximize Yemen's Fragmentation

Eleonora Ardemagni

In: IAI Commentaries 17|11

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Israeli regional perspectives and the Mediterranean

Daniela Huber

In: Other papers and articles

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Italy and France at Odds over Libya?

Lorenzo Falchi

In: IAI Commentaries 17|09

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Ten Years On: Gaza Blockade Brings Society to the Brink

Mattia Polvanesi

In: IAI Commentaries 17|05

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Violence Grips Jerusalem

Giorgio Gomel

In: IAI Commentaries 17|04

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Proiettare stabilità nel vicinato a sud della Nato

Margherita Bianchi, Guillaume Lasconjarias, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 17|14

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Review of Surveys on Euro–Mediterranean Relations, and an Introduction to the Elite Survey in MEDRESET

Zeynep Gülöz Bakır, Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu

In: MEDRESET Papers Methodology and Concept Paper 5

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Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017


Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Group Radicalisation in Italy's Jihadists Headed for Syria and Iraq

Francesco Marone

In: The International Spectator 52/3
Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017

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Assessing the High Representative's Role in Egypt during the Arab Spring

Maria Giulia Amadio Viceré, Sergio Fabbrini

In: The International Spectator 52/3
Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017

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