Publications > Difesa, Nato + Sicurezza


Emerging Disruptive Technologies: The Achilles’ Heel for EU Strategic Autonomy?

Ester Sabatino, Alessandro Marrone

In: IAI Commentaries 21|31

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Europe’s Naval Engagement in the South China Sea

Giulio Pugliese

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 2

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Linking PESCO and EDF: Institutional Mechanisms and Political Choices

Alessandro Marrone

In: Other papers and articles

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La difesa missilistica dell'Europa e l'Italia: capacità e cooperazione. Executive summary

Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti

In: Documenti IAI 21|06

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Europe's Missile Defence and Italy: Capabilities and Cooperation

Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti

In: Documenti IAI 21|05

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NATO Decision-Making in the Age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro

In: Books

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The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 1, March 2021

In: The International Spectator 56/1

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The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 1, March 2021


Just GRIT and Bear It: A Cold War Approach to Future US-Russia Arms Control

Sarah Bidgood

In: The International Spectator 56/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 1, March 2021

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