Publications > Difesa, Afghanistan + Donne + Peacebuilding


The US-Europe vs. Russia Triangle

Eugene B. Rumer

In: IAI Papers 18|12

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NATO-EU Cooperation to Project Stability

Andrea Aversano Stabile, Guillaume Lasconjarias, Paola Sartori

In: Documenti IAI 18|18

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Looking Through the Fog of Brexit: Scenarios and Implications for the European Defence Industry

Paola Sartori, Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 18|16

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Boosting Defence Cooperation in Europe

Alessandro Marrone, Jean-Pierre Maulny, Daniele Fattibene

In: Other papers and articles

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Europe in an Uncertain World: Values vs. Security Interests

Sinan Ekim

In: Documenti IAI 18|13

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Nuclear taboo

Vincenzo Camporini

In: Other papers and articles

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Uso e sviluppo delle armi autonome. Prospettive per un controllo a livello internazionale

Natalino Ronzitti

In: Reports for Parliament Note 81

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Le richieste della Difesa Ue al nostro Paese

Michele Nones

In: Other papers and articles

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Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2018


Considerations on the Cyber Domain as the New Worldwide Battlefield

Gian Piero Siroli

In: The International Spectator 53/2
Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2018

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