Publications > Politica estera italiana, Gestione delle crisi + Peacebuilding + Politica estera dell'Italia + Unione europea


The Time for European Defence Has Come: Rome Must Step Up to the Task

Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Commentaries 17|07

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I Caschi blu della cultura. Il ruolo italiano nel peacekeeping culturale

Giulia Gallinella

In: Documenti IAI 17|15

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The Istituto Affari Internazionali as non-state actor for Italy's foreign policy?

Jean Pierre Darnis, Alessandro Marrone

In: Other papers and articles

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Italy in International Relations. The Foreign Policy Conundrum

Emidio Diodato, Federico Niglia

In: Books

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L'Italia e la riforma del Consiglio di sicurezza

Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: Other papers and articles

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FEUTURE EU 28 Country Report: Italy

Bianca Benvenuti

In: FEUTURE Papers EU 28 Country Reports

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Deutschlands Osteuropapolitik: eine italienische Perspektive

Riccardo Alcaro

In: Other papers and articles

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Germany's Ostpolitik. An Italian Perspective

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Working Papers 17|22

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