Publications > Energia, clima e risorse, Gas naturale + Mediterraneo


Turkey's Potential Role in the Emerging South-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Corridor

Elif Burcu Günaydın

In: IAI Working Papers 14|05

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Erbil Sends Oil, Ankara Gets Trouble

Olgu Okumuş

In: IAI Working Papers 14|02

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Turkey's Energy Strategy and its Role in the EU's Southern Gas Corridor

Erkan Erdogdu

In: IAI Working Papers 1401

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L'Italia e il corridoio sud

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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Yesterday's Fuel and threats to the stability of producer countries

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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The Potential Role of Turkey in a Globalising Gas Market

Mehmet Doğan Üçok

In: Global Turkey in Europe Policy Brief 9

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EU-Turkish Energy Relations in the Context of EU Accession Negotiations

David Koranyi, Nicolò Sartori

In: Global Turkey in Europe Working Paper 5

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Thinking Beyond TAP

Fatih Özgür Yeni

In: IAI Working Papers 1332

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The Management and Use of Natural Resources

Vanessa Ushie

In: IAI Working Papers 1329

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