Publications > Energia, clima e risorse, Ambiente + Energia + Unione europea


Towards the Energy Union: The BEMIP and the Case of Lithuania

Irma Paceviciute

In: IAI Working Papers 17|06

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Russia's eye on the Mare Nostrum

Lorenzo Colantoni

In: Other papers and articles

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Trump: A revolution within a revolution?

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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Energy Union Watch, No. 6

Nicolò Sartori, Lorenzo Colantoni

In: Energy Union Watch 6

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Clean energy for all Europeans

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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The New Energy Resources in the Centre-East Mediterranean

Janiki Cingoli

In: IAI Working Papers 16|32

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Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean: "pragmatism" is the watchword

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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Energy Relations between Turkey and Israel

Aybars Görgülü, Sabiha Senyücel Gündoğar

In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 3

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Energy Resources and Regional Cooperation in the East Mediterranean

Nicolò Sartori, Lorenzo Colantoni, Irma Paceviciute

In: IAI Working Papers 16|27

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Vol. 51, No. 4, December 2016


Reflections on Global Climate Politics Post Paris

Sebastian Oberthür

In: The International Spectator 51/4
Vol. 51, No. 4, December 2016

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