Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Sicurezza, Unione europea


An EU Unemployment Benefit Scheme to Relaunch the European Project

Davide Ceccanti

In: IAI Commentaries 19|26

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Problematizing Effectiveness and Potential of EU Policies in the Mediterranean

Münevver Cebeci

In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Paper 8

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The Art of the (Im)Possible

Silvia Colombo, Marc Otte, Eduard Soler i Lecha

In: MENARA Papers Final Reports 4

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Off Track. The EU's Re-engagement with the Western Balkans

Matteo Bonomi

In: IAI Papers 19|08

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Engaging Civil Societies in Turkey and Europe

Sinan Ekim

In: Documenti IAI 19|05

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The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: A Dynamic Association Framework amidst Conflictual Cooperation

Beken Saatçioğlu, Funda Tekin, Sinan Ekim

In: FEUTURE Papers Synthesis Paper

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Resetting Euro-Med Relations: Taking Local Needs Seriously

Daniela Huber, Maria Cristina Paciello

In: Other papers and articles

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Brexit is about to get real

Alessandro Marrone

In: Other papers and articles

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Struggling for a Sustainable Economy: Iran after the JCPOA

László Csicsmann

In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 19

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