Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Sicurezza, Unione europea


Towards a European Security and Defence Union: Was 2017 a Watershed?

Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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Europe's Dependence on Critical Raw Materials

Francesco Paron

In: IAI Commentaries 18|45

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Recasting EU Civilian Crisis Management

Ginevra Poli

In: Documenti IAI 18|21

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Shale Gas and Renewables: A Boost for Transatlantic Energy Relations?

Nicolò Sartori

In: Other papers and articles

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The New Sea People: China in the Mediterranean

Ronald H. Linden

In: IAI Papers 18|14

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Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018


Normative and Civilisational Regionalisms: The EU, Russia and their Common Neighbourhoods

Andrey Makarychev

In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018

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The Paradox of Weakness in European Trade Policy: Contestation and Resilience in CETA and TTIP Negotiations

Dirk De Bièvre

In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018

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Recent Publications 53:3

Andrea Aversano Stabile, Giuseppe Fersini, Mihaela Luchian

In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018

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