Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni, Elezioni + Paesi Bassi + Unione europea


Autonomia europea e rilancio del partenariato transatlantico

Riccardo Alcaro, Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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Space and European Digital Sovereignty

Ottavia Credi, Camilla Vianini

In: Documenti IAI 21|11en

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La strategia europea nell'Indo-Pacifico

Giulio Pugliese

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 177

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Mind the Gap: Priorities for Transatlantic China Policy

Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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What type of differentiation in EU economic governance after COVID?

Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio

In: EU IDEA Papers Op-ed 12

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Differentiated Integrations

Giuliano Amato

In: EU IDEA Papers Op-ed 11

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Beyond Stability: A United Libya will Not End the Migration Challenge for Italy and the EU

Luca Barana, Dario Cristiani, Asli Selin Okyay

In: IAI Commentaries 21|33

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The EU–UK Partnership and Implications for Differentiation Within the EU and Between the EU and Third Countries

Jannike Wachowiak, Fabian Zuleeg

In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 10

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Differentiation and the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy

Marco Siddi, Tyyne Karjalainen, Juha Jokela

In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 9

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Italy: a premise for a more integrated and democratic EU

Eleonora Poli

In: Other papers and articles

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