Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni, Brexit + Politica estera + Regno Unito + Unione europea


Navigating EU-China Investment Dynamics

Federica Marconi

In: Other papers and articles

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Europe is Stuck Over the Israel-Hamas War

Maria Luisa Fantappiè, Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Commentaries 23|60

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The EU’s Geopolitical Enlargement

Anna Osypchuk, Kristi Raik

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 30

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Setting the Standard for a Secure Digital Landscape: The Cyber Resilience Act

Ottavia Credi, Michelangelo Freyrie, Federica Marconi

In: IAI Commentaries 23|54

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Diversification, Efficiency, Research, Sustainable Sourcing

Emanuele Esposito

In: IAI Commentaries 23|52

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Bridging EU–US Differences in Trade-related Sustainability Approaches

Irene Paviotti, Lucia Martin Moran

In: IAI Commentaries 23|51

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