Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni, Giovani + Italia + Mercato del lavoro + Migrazione + Unione europea


Green Deal Watch, No. 1

Margherita Bianchi, Lorenzo Colantoni, Luca Franza

In: Green Deal Watch 1

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From Differentiated to “Smart” Integration

Ingrid Shikova

In: EU IDEA Papers Op-ed 7

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Does Differentiated Integration Work Properly?

Gianni Bonvicini

In: EU IDEA Papers Op-ed 6

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Has a Red Line Been Crossed in Serbia?

Matteo Bonomi

In: IAI Commentaries 20|49

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Italy: Germany should turn the crisis into a catalyst for the EU

Eleonora Poli

In: Other papers and articles

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La politica estera, di sicurezza e di difesa dell'Unione europea

Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: Other papers and articles

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Differentiated Integration in the EMU: Impact on Policy Effectiveness and Political Unity

Marta Pilati, Francesco De Angelis

In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 2

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