What Role for the European Commission in the New Governance of the Economic and Monetary Union?
Roberto Cisotta
In: IAI Working Papers 1324
More Europe on Defence or No Europe
Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones
In: Documenti IAI 1303e
The European Global Strategy and the Mediterranean
Roberto Aliboni
In: Other papers and articles
The Development of a European Defence Technology and Industrial Base (EDTIB)
Valerio Briani, Alessandro Marrone, Christian Mölling
In: Other papers and articles
Towards a European Global Strategy
Björn Fägersten, Alessandro Marrone, Martin Ortega
In: Other papers and articles
Looking for coherence in European foreign policy
Michele Comelli
In: Other papers and articles
The Importance of Coherent and Integrated Energy and Agriculture Policies
Antony Froggatt, Estelle Rouhaud, Tereza Svačinová
In: Transworld Papers 25
Vol. 48, No. 1, March 2013
Islam and the Muslim Communities in the UK
Catherine Fieschi, Nick Johnson
In: The International Spectator 48/1
Vol. 48, No. 1, March 2013