Publications > Tutti, Difesa europea + Sicurezza + Tecnologie + Unione europea


Observatory on European defence, December 2004

Giovanni Gasparini

In: Observatory on European defence 04/12

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Democracy and Security in the Barcelona Process

Roberto Aliboni, Rosa Balfour, Laura Guazzone

In: IAI Quaderni English series 5

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Promoting Democracy in the EMP

Roberto Aliboni

In: Other papers and articles

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La giustizia penale internazionale nei rapporti transatlantici

Natalino Ronzitti

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti. Contributi 10

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Observatory on European defence, November 2004

Giovanni Gasparini

In: Observatory on European defence 04/11

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Prospettive della politica europea di sicurezza e difesa

Michele Comelli, Federica Di Camillo, Giovanni Gasparini

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti. Contributi 8

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Observatory on European defence, October 2004

Giovanni Gasparini

In: Observatory on European defence 04/10

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L'industria della difesa nel rapporto transatlantico

Michele Nones, Giovanni Gasparini, Federica Di Camillo

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti. Contributi 6

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Observatory on European defence, September 2004

Giovanni Gasparini

In: Observatory on European defence 04/09

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Ruolo e riforma dell'Onu: posizioni in America e in Europa

Ettore Greco

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti. Contributi 4

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