Publications > Tutti, Libia + Russia + Siria + Turchia


Can Hydrocarbons Catalyse New Out of the Box Thinking on Cyprus?

Mustafa Ergün Olgun

In: IAI Commentaries 19|17

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Greek-Turkish Relations and the Cyprus Dispute: Impact on Turkey-EU Scenarios

Thanos Dokos, Nathalie Tocci, Anja Palm

In: FEUTURE Papers Online Paper 27

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Italy in the Mediterranean. Priorities and Perspectives of a European Middle Power

Silvia Colombo, Anja Palm

In: Other papers and articles

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Ideology, Not Russia or China, Explains US Pullout from the INF

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Commentaries 19|08

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Le relazioni tra Italia e Russia

Giovanna De Maio, Nicolò Sartori

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 144

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Armed Conflicts and the Erosion of the State: The Cases of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria

Virginie Collombier

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 22

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Quando sono utili le sanzioni internazionali? L'Italia, la Russia e l'Unione Europea

Francesco Giumelli

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 142

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