Publications > Tutti, Asia Pacifico + Cina + Europa + Politica economica Usa + Politica estera Usa + Usa


The Evolving Security Landscape Around the Arabian Peninsula: A Saudi Perspective

Abdullah K. Al-Saud, Joseph A. Kéchichian

In: IAI Papers 20|15

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Guerre nella globalizzazione: il futuro della sicurezza europea

Stefano Silvestri

In: IAI Papers 20|12

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Focus euroatlantico, n. 14 (febbraio-maggio 2020)

Riccardo Alcaro, Nicola Bilotta

In: Reports for Parliament Focus euroatlantico 14

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Emergenza coronavirus e politica estera

Laboratorio Analisi Politiche e Sociali (LAPS)

In: Other papers and articles

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Armament and Transatlantic Relationships. The Italian perspective

Ester Sabatino

In: Other papers and articles

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COVID-19 Exposes Italy's Vulnerability to US-China Antagonism

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Commentaries 20|33

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Big Tech Finance between Efficiency and Market Choices

Nicola Bilotta, Fabrizio Botti

In: Other papers and articles

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