Publications > Tutti, Italia + Libia + Politica estera dell'Italia + Voci_dallo_IAI


Italia ed Europa di fronte alla crisi libica

Silvia Colombo

In: Books

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Peeling Turkey Away from Russia’s Embrace: A Transatlantic Interest

Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Commentaries 20|93

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How to Turn Rural Europe into a Welcoming Space for Migrants

Irene Ponzo

In: IAI Commentaries 20|89

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Rediscovering the political Mediterranean: The EU and the Libyan wake-up call

Dario Cristiani

In: Other papers and articles

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Italy and Australia: Time for a Strategic Partnership

Gabriele Abbondanza

In: IAI Commentaries 20|87

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External Differentiation in Migration: Boosting or Hollowing Out the Common EU Policy?

Asli Selin Okyay, Sandra Lavenex, Ivo Križić

In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 10

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Gli italiani e l'Unione europea

Laboratorio Analisi Politiche e Sociali (LAPS)

In: Other papers and articles

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