Afghanistan, missioni all'estero e spese militari: le opinioni degli italiani
This report outlines the viewpoints of Italian public opinion on the crisis in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of foreign troops as well as two more general issues: Italy’s participation in military missions abroad and Italy’s defence budget expenditures. The data originates from a recent public opinion survey covering key Italian foreign policy issues and challenges. The full report of the survey will be presented in a public conference at a later date. Meanwhile, further previews on salient results will be published over the coming weeks. The survey, commissioned by the Italian Foreign Policy programme of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, was conducted on a sample of 2,049 individuals representative of the Italian population by the University of Siena’s Laboratorio Analisi Politiche e Sociali (LAPS) within Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Politiche e Cognitive (DISPOC) between 2-10 September 2021.
Rome, IAI, September 2021, 10 p.
Risultati principali
1. Italiani divisi sull’impiego dei militari nelle missioni all’estero
2. Italiani d’accordo con il ritiro dall’Afghanistan
3. Maggioranza favorevole a un’ampia accoglienza dei rifugiati afghani
4. Cresce il supporto per un aumento delle spese militari
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