To Agree or Disagree? Elite Opinion and Future Prospects of the Transatlantic Partnership
The Transworld Elites Survey explores how American and European elites perceive transatlantic relations and the policies that should be pursued to address the main global challenges across four policy domains, namely: international security, global economy, global environment and climate change, as well as human rights and democracy promotion. The present report offers a preliminary analysis of the survey and its main findings, as well as a comparison with previous data on the same topic relating to elite and mass public opinion, where available. The report is structured as follows: the first part presents the main research goals and the theoretical framework of the project. The second part discusses the fieldwork report and an overview of the target sample, as well as the methodology adopted. The third part offers a detailed analysis of the variables included in the dataset, as well as an executive summary of the main findings.
Paper produced within the framework of the IAI project Transworld.
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, June 2014, 54 p. -
1. Introduction
1.1. The Elites Survey: Theoretical Background
1.2. The Elites Survey: Design and Analysis
1.3. Elites Survey Dataset: Background Information and Methodology
1.4. Elites Survey Dataset: Sampling
2. Elites Survey Data Analysis
2.1. Executive Summary
2.2. Main Findings: A Premise
3. International Security
3.1. General Attitudes: State of Transatlantic Relations on International Security (Atlanticism)
3.1.1. Desirability of the EU/US strong world leadership in world affairs
3.1.2. The Europeans and the EU-US diplomatic relations: moving towards more independence?
3.1.3. Is NATO still essential?
3.1.4. The index of Atlanticism
3.2. Actors
3.2.1. The Americans Look at East, the Europeans Look at the Western Ally
3.2.2. Influential countries: the burst of China
3.2.3. China: an influential, but not threatening actor
3.3. Policies
4. Other Issues
4.1. Preferred Level of Government
4.2. Use of Force
5. Global Economy
5.1. General Attitudes on Economic Integration: Across the Atlantic and within Europe
5.1.1. Economic integration across the Atlantic
5.1.2. Economic integration within Europe: the Euro
5.2. Actors
5.2.1. The role of the EU in times of financial crisis
5.2.2. The role of China in global economy
5.3. Policies
5.3.1. Policy measures to reduce national debts
5.3.2. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: elites' views
6. Environment and Climate Change
6.1. General Attitudes: The EU and the US Facing the Threats to Global Environment
6.2. Actors
6.3. Policies
6.3.1. Measures to address climate change
6.3.2. Measures to address greenhouse gas emissions
7. Human Rights and Democracy Promotion
7.1. General Attitudes: Perception and Importance of Human Rights and Democracy Promotion
7.1.1. Main priority for human rights …
7.1.2. …And main challenges to the advancement of human rights and democracy
7.2. Actors
7.3. Policies
7.3.1. Balancing economic relations with human rights
7.3.2. Actions to promote democracy