The Arab State and Neo-Liberal Globalization. The Restructuring of State Power in the Middle East
This collection of essays by leading academics focuses on the participation of Arab states in neo-liberal globalization. The effects of the restructuring of traditional state power engendered by globalization are analyzed separately, through updated empirical research in the political, economic, and security processes of each country considered. Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia are the case studies selected to represent different paths toward a shared model of “new” Arab state which, far from representing an exceptional case of resilience against global trends, may be seen in many instances as typifying their effects. This book thus offers both an overall conceptualization of change affecting the Arab states, domestically and in their relations with the international system, and a series of in-depth case studies by country and functional areas.
Output of the research project on "The Dynamics of Change in the Arab World", conducted by the IAI in cooperation with the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA-UI) of Stockholm.
List of figures, p. vi
Preface and acknowledgements, p. vii-viii
List of contributors, p. ix-xii
1. Interpreting change in the Arab world, Laura Guazzone and Daniela Pioppi, p. 1-15
Part I. Changing Patterns of Political Mobilization
2. Neo-liberal structural adjustment, political demobilization, and neo-authoritarianism in Egypt, Joel Beinin, p. 19-46
3. An analysis of political change in Lebanon in the light of recent mobilization cycles, Karam Karam, p. 47-72
4. Saudi Arabia's political demobilization in regional comparaison: monarchical tortoise and republican hares, Steffen Hertog, p. 73-93
Part II. Changing Patterns of Wealth Accumulation and Distribution
5. The political economy of authoritarianism in Egypt: insufficent structural reforms, limited outcomes and a lack of new actors, Urlich Wurzel, p. 97-123
6. The Lebanese socio-economic system, 1985-2005, Charbel Nahas, p. 125-157
7. Globalisation and the Saudi economy: gains and losses, Tim Niblock, p. 159-184
8. Morocco's political economy: ambiguous privatization and the emerging social question, Myriam Catusse, p. 185-216
Part III. Changing Patterns of Globalised Security
9. The security sector in Egypt: management, coercion and external alliances under the dynamics of change, Philippe Droz-Vincent, p. 219-245
10. The virtual sovereignty of the Lebanese state: from deviant case to ideal-type, Elizabeth Picard, p. 247-273
11. The Saudi security environment: plus ça change..., Paul Aarts and Joris van Duijne, p. 275-297
12. Security policy and democratic reform in Morocco: between public discourse and reality, Issandr El Amrani, p. 299-324
13. The Arab state and neo-liberal globalization, Karen Aggestam, Laura Guazzone, Helena Lindholm Schulz,
M. Cristina Paciello, Daniela Pioppi, p. 325-350
Bibliography, p. 351-380
Index, p. 381-387
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The Dynamics of Change in the Arab World
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