Assessing EU–Mediterranean Policies in the Field of Energy from a Bottom-up Perspective: The Case of Egypt
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the effectiveness of EU policies and measures in the energy field in light of the needs and interests of local bottom-up actors in Egypt. The report firstly aims to provide an overview of the Egyptian energy sector, by revising the most relevant literature and institutional documentation to define current and future trends and identify major challenges. This part also assesses current national energy policies, as well as the framework of EU energy policies in Egypt. In the second part, the report builds on the recursive multi-stakeholder consultations held by the researchers in the field, and presents the perspectives of relevant stakeholders at the local level by addressing the major research questions posed by MEDRESET: What issues do local stakeholders deem most relevant? How do they perceive and assess European policy in the region and in their specific policy area? And what are the main policy recommendations? A conclusion summarizes the core findings.
Rome, IAI, December 2018, 33 p. -
Working Paper 31
1. Overview of the Egyptian Energy Sector
1.1 Current Energy Mix
1.2 Future Energy Trends
1.3 Key Challenges
1.4 Egypt’s National Energy Policies
2. Social Impacts Related to Energy
2.1 Subsidies
2.2 Nuclear and Coal Exploitation
2.3 Employment
3. EU Energy Policies in Egypt
4. Recursive Multi-Stakeholder Consultations – Analysis: A Bottom-Up Perspective on the Energy Sector In Egypt
4.1 Methodology
4.2 Core Issues at Stake
4.2.1 Energy Shortage
4.2.2 The Pivotal Role of Natural Gas
4.2.3 Energy Policies Going in the Right Direction Despite Obstacles and Social Concerns
4.2.4 A Slow Energy Transition
4.2.5 Gender Issues and Social Vulnerability
4.3 How Do Local Stakeholders Assess EU Policies in Egypt?
Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
Annex 1: List of Interviewees
Annex 2: Questionnaire