L'Europa della difesa accelera, e l'Italia?
Having overcome its initial reticence, the European Union seems to be increasingly prone to acquire the means of hard power needed for becoming a leading global actor. The increased interest towards European defence has favoured the launch of various initiatives both at the Communitarian level and in the form of partnerships between some member states. Despite the criticalities that persist, these initiatives have the potential to reduce the fragmentation existing on the European landscape. Within this scenario, challenges and opportunities are opening up both for the EU as a whole and for the individual member states, including Italy. Indeed, if the opportunities that arise will be taken, the benefits that Italy could enjoy will be manifold.
Report of the closed-door seminar entitled “L’Europa della difesa accelera, e l’Italia?”, organised in Turin on 20 November 2019 by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF).
Rome, IAI, January 2020, 9 p. -
1. Un’Unione europea a trazione occidentale
2. Le ambizioni francesi e i rapporti transatlantici
3. Più fondi e rilevanza politica per la difesa
4. Gli impatti sul piano industriale
5. La PeSCo a tre anni dal lancio: valutazioni e prospettive
6. Quali prospettive per l’Italia?
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L’Europa della difesa accelera, e l’Italia?
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