Focus euroatlantico, n. 9 (luglio-settembre 2018)
The third issue of the 2018 Euro-Atlantic Focus begins, as usual, with an analysis of the state of play in the transatlantic relationship (supplemented by a number of graphs in the appendix). The Trump administration’s hardening position on Iran, combined with Europe’s stated willingness to keep abiding by the nuclear deal Trump unilaterally abandoned in May, is likely to lead to further transatlantic estrangement. In the first essay of this Focus, Riccardo Alcaro explains the complex mechanics of the November mid-term elections, when American voters will select a new Congress. Alcaro recalls that polls give Democrats a clear advantage in the race for the House of Representatives, but only a minimal chance of winning the Senate. Alcaro explains that even control of a single chamber would give Democrats considerable obstructionist powers, albeit more in domestic affairs than in foreign policy matters. The second essay elaborates on the differences and similarities of the border control policies of the United States and Europe. Luca Barana argues that the US has adopted a deterrence-based approach aimed at dissuading migrants from even trying the journey into the US, while the Europeans have opted for externalizing border control to transit countries. The third essay is dedicated to Italy’s participation in military missions. Andrea Aversano Stabile assesses the adequacy of the resources Italy allocates to the military and advocates an increase in military spending, or a smarter way to do it.
Rome, Senate, October 2018, 46 p. -
Focus euroatlantico 09
Lo stato delle relazioni transatlantiche, di Riccardo Alcaro
Le elezioni di metà mandato negli Stati Uniti, di Riccardo Alcaro
Le politiche migratorie di Usa e Ue a confronto, di Luca Barana
L’Italia e le missioni oltremare, di Andrea Aversano Stabile
Agenda dei prossimi eventi internazionali
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