Continuity and Change in Soviet-East European Relations. Implications for the West
Product of a conference on "Soviet-East European Relations: Implications for the West", organised in Rome on 16-17 December 1985 by the UCLA Center for International and Strategic Affairs (CISA) and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
Preface, p. vii
List of the Contributors, p. viii
1. Introduction, William C. Potter, p. 1-4
2. Soviet-East European Relations in the 1980s: Continuity and Change, Andrzej Korbonski, p. 5-26
3. Trends in Soviet and East European Westpolitik and the German Question, Wolfgang Pfeiler, p. 27-53
4. Recent Changes in the Policy of the German Democratic Republic Towards the Federal Republic of Germany, Eberhard Schulz, p. 55-74
5. Soviet Economic Policy Towards Eastern Europe, Keith Crane, p. 75-133
6. Western Interests in and Leverage on the Soviet and East European Economies, Donato Di Gaetano, p. 135-152
7. The Warsaw Pact at Thirty: Soviet and East European Successes and Failures, Marco Camovale, p. 153-174
8. Soviet-East European Cooperation in the Field of Military Aid Towards the Third World, Joachim Krause, p. 175-189
9. Some Aspects of Comecon's Closed-Door Policy: Dead-End for LDCs Committed to a "Socialist Orientation," Wolfgang W. Berner, p. 191-215
10. Continuity and Change in Soviet-East European Relations: Recent Trends and Implications for the West, Marco Camovale, p. 217-235