Antitrust Institutions and Policies in the Globalising Economy

Eleonora Poli provides a coherent and comprehensive explanation of the diffusion of liberal and neo-liberal competition policies in the USA, Europe, Japan and the BRICS from an international political economy perspective. She investigates whether, how and why these countries have progressively changed their respective interpretations of market competition in light of major economic crises or political and economic issues, giving rise to the current neo-liberal era. More specifically, she analyses whether they responded to each downturn or pressure from the international arena through the enforcement of antitrust regimes and, if so, how and why specific institutional changes were implemented. In doing so, she focuses on whether policy diffusion mechanisms favoured the adoption of similar antitrust policies.
Basingstoke / New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 30 October 2015, xv, 217 p. (International Political Economy Series) -
978-1-137-48294-5; 978-1-137-48295-2 (ebk); 978-1-137-48296-9 (ePub)
List of Abbreviations
Part I. Antitrust Institutions: Ideas, Interests and Changes
1. Perspectives on Antitrust
Understanding antitrust: the evolution of the concept
Approaches to antitrust
2. A Variety of Ideas on Competition
Varieties of antitrust, varieties of capitalism
American competition policy and antitrust
Europe, Japan and the BRICS: alternative competition theoretical and cultural frameworks
3. Antitrust: Ideas, Institutions and Change
Ideas, institutions and interests
Institutionalisation and institutional change
Part II. Antitrust Institutions in the Globalising Economy
4. The Evolution of American Antitrust Policies
1930-1960s: The Great Depression and Harvard Competition Policy
1970s-1990: the Chicago institutional revolution
1990-2012: the Chicago and Post-Chicago competition tradition
5. Internalising Antitrust: The Evolution of Competition Policy in Europe and Japan
The fate of the Harvard school
The fate of the Chicago school
Neo-liberal era and Post-Chicago ideas
6. BRICS Competition Policy in a Globalising Economy
BRICS embryonic antitrust institutions: an overview
From developing economies to emerging markets
BRICS trade-off between globalisation and antitrust
BRICS in a globalising economy