[Strategic Cultures in Europe:] Italy

Italy’s strategic culture has been partly re-shaped by the shock of World War II, which caused the collapse of the Fascist regime and the Savoy ruling monarchy, as well as a civil war. However, it maintains several elements of continuity with pre-World War II strategic culture, such as the importance attached to the Mediterranean region. Italy’s strategic culture has not been monolithic over the last 65 years. It rather experienced a gradual shift of minority views converging on the main strand analysed in this chapter.
in Heiko Biehl, Bastian Giegerich, Alexandra Jonas (eds.), Strategic Cultures in Europe. Security and Defence Policies Across the Continent, Potsdam, Springer VS, 2013, p. 193-206 (Schriftenreihe des ZMSBw ; 13), ISBN 978-3-658-01167-3 ; 978-3-658-01168-0 -