Through the Labyrinth of Regional Cooperation: How to Make Sense of Regional Integration in the Western Balkans

In the absence of a breakthrough in the EU integration of the Western Balkan six, the EU has been innovative in finding ways to keep the countries of the region interested in pursuing reforms. These include strengthening regional integration via the Berlin Process. Meanwhile some Western Balkan countries have initiated a parallel regional integration process called Open Balkan. This policy brief analyses the scope, depth and limitations of regional integration in the Western Balkans, and considers whether it actually delivers the desired results or is rather a distraction from EU integration. Abstract This policy brief analyses the scope, depth and limitations of regional integration in the Western Balkans, and considers whether it actually delivers the desired results or is rather a distraction from EU integration.
(with Bojan Baća, Florian Bieber, Richard Grieveson, Marko Kmezić and Zoran Nechev), Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), February 2023, 15 p.