Un nuovo "nomos della terra"? Governance internazionale, sviluppo e aiuto umanitario - Introduzione

Over the years, the concept of development has extended and enlarged. It has nurtured the continuous process of (re)formulation and (re)definition of the content, objectives, knowledge and relations that structure this specific space of relations between and among States. From modernization theory, to the basic needs approach and the disastrous neoliberal policies of the 80s; from the promotion of human rights, gender equality and human capabilities, to the reframing as ‘sustainable’, ‘human’ and the strategic link to the issue of security in its various meanings, the concept of development has assumed varied and variable contents. More recently, in public debate and through policy-making, the concept of ‘aid’ has started to be critically investigated also in light of the principles of reciprocity, and of respect for the principle of equal sovereignty and non-conditionality. In this sense, the 2030 Agenda includes an innovative universal approach beyond the developed/non-developed cleavage, for instance aiming at reducing poverty in all States.
(with Annalisa Furia), in Politics. Rivista di studi politici, n. 8 = 2/2017, p. v-xvii -