Tra vignette e graffiti. L'autorappresentazione femminile svela il paradosso di genere egiziano

Azzurra Meringolo focuses on the self-representation of women, focusing on the one hand on the work of pioneering Doaa El-Adl, an Egyptian cartoonist targeted by Islamists because of her cartoon deemed blasphemous, and on the other on the analysis of a significant sample of graffiti that appeared on the walls of the streets of Cairo in the aftermath of the "January revolution." The author follows closely, thanks to a long field research, the activity of the protagonists of these media, and the chapter uncovers the "gender paradox" that runs through Egypt: and that is the exclusion of women by institutions and political discourse in comparison with their leading role in the complex transformation of the country.
in Renata Pepicelli (a cura di), Le donne nei media arabi. Tra aspettative tradite e nuove opportunità , Roma, Carocci, aprile 2014, p. 51-61 (Biblioteca di testi e studi ; 923), ISBN 978-88-430-7216-3
Tra vignette e graffiti: il potenziale comunicativo delle immagini
Tra denuncia ed empowerment: l'opera pionieristica di Doaa el-Adli
Da vittime a icone: le donne egiziane invadono i muri della capitale