The International Spectator, Vol. 47, No. 4, December 2012
Special cores on The International Economic Crisis, Financial Regionalism in a Global World and The Middle East in Focus
The G20 after Los Cabos: Illusions of Global Economic Governance Free
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The International Economic Crisis
The G20 after Los Cabos: Illusions of Global Economic Governance
Gabriel Goodliffe and Stéphan Sberro
The failure of the Los Cabos summit to satisfactorily address the European
sovereign debt crisis and ominous world economic outlook, let alone agree on
concrete measures to improve the oversight and functioning of the global
economy, appears to confirm the diminishing effectiveness and relevance of the
G20 as an organ of international governance since its inception in December
2008. While few accomplishments were achieved in the area of global governance
during the Mexican presidency, acute collective action problems, made worse by
the present economic crisis, paralysed the G20 in the lead-up to and during the
Los Cabos summit. These collective action problems and the ensuing failure of
global governance are attributable to the absence of leadership evident at both
the global and European levels, which in turn testifies to the excessive
dispersion of state economic and political power within the international system.
Keywords: G20, Los Cabos summit, international governance, European sovereign debt crisis
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Policy Lessons from the Eurozone Crisis
Chiara Angeloni, Silvia Merler and Guntram B. Wolff
The current European crisis has shed light on several weaknesses and the
institutional incompleteness characterizing the euro area. The manifestation of
Europe's fragility was preceded by a large build-up of debt in the private
sector, associated with national current account divergences and the
deterioration of competitiveness particularly of the euro periphery countries.
With the economic situation deteriorating, private sector debt became less
credible, contaminating banks' balance sheets and placing a heavy burden on
governments. A sovereign-bank vicious circle emerged: on the one hand, with
banking risk translating into higher sovereign risk because of the governments'
guarantor role and, on the other hand, with the deterioration of government's
creditworthiness affecting the banking systems through banks' sovereign bond
holdings. In principle, this negative feedback can be stopped by breaking one of
the channels of transmission. A banking union at the European level is proposed
as one solution.
Keywords: European sovereign crisis, banking union, macroeconomic imbalances
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A Slow Fuse: Italy and the EU Debt Crisis
Jonathan Hopkin
Italy is firmly in the grip of an austerity programme mandated by the European
Union institutions, and executed by an unelected technocrat. This state of
affairs is at once the result of the acute and unexpected crisis of the
financial and economic integration of the eurozone, and an expression of the
failures of the Italian political class. Although the euro crisis has been
mishandled by European elites, Italy's long-term economic decline, and the
inability of Italian party politicians to generate a sustainable coalition to
address Italy's economic problems, hinders an exit from the crisis.
Keywords: Italy, euro crisis, austerity
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The Greek Crisis and the Search for Political Leadership
Dimitrios Katsikas
Despite two bailout agreements of unprecedented size and the implementation of a
harsh austerity programme, no solution to the Greek crisis is in sight. As a
result, Greece continues to be a hotspot, sending sporadic tremors to a fragile
eurozone. The outcome so far leaves no doubts about the grave mishandling of the
crisis. The most important cause of this failure is the lack of political
leadership at both the national and European levels. Accordingly, a solution to
the Greek crisis will remain elusive unless Greek and Europeans politicians
overcome the constraints of national political calculations and exercise
leadership commensurate to the challenge of rescuing Greece and indeed the
eurozone itself.
Keywords: Greece, crisis, bailout, eurozone
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The Pain in Spain: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Charles Powell and Federico Steinberg
Much recent international press coverage of Spain's difficulties portrays a
country rapidly approaching political, economic and social meltdown. Its economy
is contracting, its unemployment rate is at unprecedented levels and its
sovereign risk premium hovers at apparently unsustainable levels. Spain will
undoubtedly require external financial help from its European partners, as well
as more time and flexibility to achieve its fiscal targets. But it also has a
number of strengths that are too often overlooked. Spending cuts and structural
reforms are proceeding at a lively pace, unit labour costs are falling
significantly, and exports and productivity are on the rise. In short, there is
light at the end of the tunnel.
Keywords: Spain, crisis, adjustment process
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Portugal and the Straitjacket of the European Financial Crisis
Paulo Gorjão
The austerity program negotiated with the Troika (IMF-ECB-EC) and adopted by
Portugal in 2011 is having a devastating impact on the Portuguese economy.
Although the Portuguese government is clearly fulfilling the measures agreed
with the Troika, the final outcome of the adjustment program is not entirely in
its hands, but rather awaiting further EU decisions involving measures to
stimulate economic growth, mutualisation of public debt and additional steps
towards a federal Europe. As time goes by, the negative repercussions - in
particular social and political instability, as well as the erosion of the
Portuguese democratic regime - are inevitable if there is no light at the end of
the tunnel.
Keywords: Portugal, Troika, European Union, financial crisis
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Chávez Stays, Again
Michael Shifter and Cameron Combs
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez fended off a spirited challenge by Governor
Henrique Capriles this fall. But continuing questions about Chavez's health and
the country's dismal governance suggest that change may be coming soon. Looking
ahead, the opposition will need to address concerns by the very poor that social
spending will dry up if Chávez is no longer in office. Meanwhile, political
differences and power struggles, and a sense of demoralization, risk undermining
Capriles' diverse coalition. The regional scenario would look very different
without Chávez. External players should restrain from meddling during this
period of uncertainty. Instead, support should focus on trying to ensure that
Venezuelans continue to rely on the ballot box in determining the course of a
country facing so many daunting problems.
Keywords: Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, Henrique Capriles, democracy, elections
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Financial Regionalism in a Global World
What Can the WTO Teach the IMF? Dealing with Global Financial Crises Amid the Rise of Financial Regionalism
Kati Suominen
Despite rising back to prominence during the global economic turmoil, the
International Monetary Fund remains under severe pressure over its lack of
legitimacy and effectiveness. It is surrounded by increasingly vibrant and
potentially competing systems of regional financial arrangements. But while it
is feared that regional arrangements can undermine the global financial order,
they can also help buttress the multilateral institutions that are struggling to
manage an increasingly complex global economy. The purpose of this article is to
draw on trade, exploring the decades-long efforts to ensure compatibilities
between regional trade agreements and the multilateral trading system, to offer
lessons to financial policymakers.
Keywords: financial regionalism, International Monetary Fund, World Trade
Organisation, preferential trading arrangements
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Financial Regionalism in East Asia
Ulrich Volz
This article provides an overview of the current state of financial regionalism
in East Asia and discusses why and how the East Asian countries should go
forward in terms of financial and monetary regionalism. It highlights
intra-regional exchange rate stability as an important regional public good and
makes the case for greater exchange rate cooperation. To this end, East Asian
countries should gradually reduce their exposure to the US dollar and move
towards currency basket regimes which would sustain relative intra-regional
exchange rate stability while allowing for sufficient flexibility to accommodate
idiosyncratic shocks. Against the backdrop of the global and European financial
crisis, the article also urges a reconsideration of the costs and benefits of
international - and regional - financial integration and calls for a further
strengthening of East Asia's regional financial architecture.
Keywords: financial regionalism, East Asia, financial integration,
monetary integration
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The Middle East in Focus
The GCC and the Arab Spring: A Tale of Double Standards
Silvia Colombo
Since 2011, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have been confronted
with increasing challenges stemming from the Arab uprisings. Internally, they
have had to face popular mobilisation and discontent, triggering a mixed
reaction, including economic handouts, patronage, limited political and economic
reforms as well as military intervention and repression. Externally, they have
actively intervened in support of the protest movements in Syria and Libya and
enthusiastically facilitated President Saleh's departure from Yemen. At first
sight these responses may seem schizophrenic. Upon closer inspection, however,
managing instability by shoring up friendly regimes on the inside and expanding
the GCC's influence outside represent two sides of the same coin.
Keywords: GCC, Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia, Qatar
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Looking Beyond a Nuclear-Armed Iran: Is Regional Proliferation Inevitable?
Matthew Moran and Christopher Hobbs
The past year has seen a steady rise in tensions with regard to Iran's nuclear
programme. Iran's economy is being crippled by far-ranging sanctions and the
threat of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities looms large on the
horizon. Yet the country's nuclear programme marches on, stoking fears that Iran
may indeed be seeking to cross the nuclear weapons threshold. In this context,
it is timely to consider how key regional players would respond to a
nuclear-armed Iran. Many argue that an Iranian bomb would prompt a proliferation
cascade in the Middle East. However, a closer examination of the drivers for key
regional players shows that this is not necessarily the case. There is a range
of non-proliferation tools that could be applied by the West and others to
offset this risk.
Keywords: Iran, nuclear weapons, Middle East, nuclear proliferation
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Europe Forum
Seeking CSDP Accountability Through Interparliamentary Scrutiny
Jan Wouters and Kolja Raube
The EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) requires parliamentary
accountability. At present, as CSDP-related decisions are increasingly taken in
the framework of the UN or the EU, neither the European Parliament (EP) nor
national parliaments are able to hold decision-makers accountable.
Interparliamentary cooperation can provide added value in bringing about
parliamentary scrutiny of CSDP. Nevertheless, despite an official agreement, the
EP and national parliaments have different views on what such interparliamentary
cooperation entails. There are five conditions - cooperation and complementarity
among parliaments, conferential dialogues, coordinated agendas, and
comprehensive and comparative scrutiny - that have to be fulfilled to create
added value for interparliamentary cooperation on CSDP matters.
Keywords: parliamentary scrutiny and control, Common Security and Defence
Policy (CSDP), interparliamentary cooperation
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Book Reviews
The Universalism of Human Rights
Vanessa Boas
Review of: The human rights culture : a study in history and context,
by Lawrence M. Friedman, Quid Pro Books, 2011
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