Inventory of EUFSP-related Public and Elite Opinion Surveys
This study offers an inventory of elite and public opinion surveys on EU foreign and security policy (EUFSP). It first provides an analytical overview of the most relevant literature and data on the topic while exploring the theme of foreign and security policy from the angle of political elites’ attitudes and beliefs. In the second section, it focuses on the mass level, using public opinion data collected over the last two decades to explore European publics’ support for EUFSP and their willingness to accept more integration in foreign and defence matters.
Rome, IAI, June 2022, 74 p. -
JOINT Research Paper 10
1. Elites and European foreign and security policy
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The literature
1.2.1 Structure of beliefs
1.2.2 The structure of beliefs: elite and mass comparisons
1.2.3 The elite-mass linkage
1.3 The data available
1.4 Some initial results
1.4.1 A Common Foreign and Security Policy?
1.4.2 A common European Army?
1.4.3 What about NATO?
1.4.4 Europe as a superpower?
2. Public opinion and European foreign and security policy
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Support for EUFSP
2.3 The test of a European single army
2.4 European defence and the Atlantic Alliance