The Nuclear Suppliers and Nonproliferation. International Policy Choices
India's nuclear explosion and the destruction of Iraq's nuclear reactor are just two events of the past decade that dramatize the need for strengthened nuclear supply and nonproliferation policies. Here, experts with international reputations grapple with the key issues of nonproliferation and discuss new ways of implementing the original principles of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This book analyzes the difficult policy choices confronting governments of industrialized nations who must guarantee a supply of nuclear technology to developing countries while maintaining nonproliferation goals. The most pressing issue addressed is how to deal with "second-tier" nuclear suppliers – new exporters of nuclear materials, devices, and technologies. These nations, including South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, India, and Pakistan, are developing nuclear capabilities but subscribe neither to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons nor to the export policy controls advanced by the Nuclear Suppliers' Group. The contributors also address alternative mechanisms for managing supplier-state cooperation and the prospects for U.S.-Soviet cooperation on nonproliferation. Scholars, activists, policy analysts, and policymakers in the nuclear energy fields will find this volume particularly useful, as will individuals in academia, public interest groups, the nuclear industry, and government who are concerned about or involved with the great nuclear debate.
Papers presented at the seminar "Nuclear Suppliers and Nuclear Nonproliferation" organised in Washington on 28-29 June 1984 by the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in cooperation with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), the Center for International and Strategic Affairs (CISA) of the University of California at Los Angeles; and Los Alamos National Laboratory, wich is also affiliated with the University of California.
Tables and Figures ix
Preface xi-xii
Abbreviations xiii-xv
1. Introduction, Rodney W. Jones, Cesare Merlini, Joseph F. Pilat, and William C. Potter, p 1-6
I. Theoretical Perspectives on the Nuclear Suppliers' Dilemma
2. U.S.-Soviet Cooperative Measures for Nonproliferation, William C. Potter, p. 9-16
3. Some Perspectives on Supplier Controls, Charles N. Van Doren, p. 17-24
4. Nuclear Trade: Reliable Supply and Mutual Obligations, Richard Kennedy, p. 25-32
II. National Policy Perspectives on Nuclear Supply
5. Nuclear Suppliers and Nonproliferation: A Japanese Perspective, Keichi Oshima, p. 35-38
6. Nuclear Suppliers and Nonproliferation: A Canadian Perspective, Mark J. Moher, p. 39-54
7. Italy's Policies and Practices, Carlo Mancini and Giuseppe Maria Borga, p. 55-61
8. France's Pragmatic Approach to Nonproliferation, Bertrand Barré, p. 63-69
9. International Nuclear Commerce and Nonproliferation: A West German View, Erwin Häckel, p. 71-79
10. The French, Germans, and Japanese and the Future of the Nuclear Supply Regime, Joseph F. Pilat, p. 81-92
Ill. New Nuclear Suppliers: Second-Tier Issues
11. Second-Tier Suppliers: Threat to the NPT Regime?, Ram R. Subramanian, p. 95-103
12. Navigating the Archipelago: Nonproliferation Orientations of Emerging Suppliers, Randy J. Rydell, p. 105-117
13. The Emerging Nuclear Suppliers: Some Dimensions of the Problem, Lewis A. Dunn, p. 119-127
IV. Government-Industry Cooperation on Nuclear Supply Policy
14. The Delicate Balance: Government and Industry Cooperation in Enforcing Nonproliferation, François Bujon de l'Estang, p. 131-142
15. U.S. Industry Support for Governmental Nonproliferation Policies, Dwight Porter, p. 143-152
V. Nuclear Supply Issues for Problem Countries
16. Problem Countries, Cesare Merlini, p. 155-162
17. Nuclear Supply Policy and South Asia, Rodney W. Jones, p. 163-173
18. Latin America, Daniel Poneman, p. 175-185
19. Nuclear Snpplies and the Policies of South Korea and and Taiwan toward Nuclear Weapons, Joseph A. Yager, p. 187-195
VI. NPT Review and the Future of Nonproliferation
20. Planning for the NPT Review Conference: A Third World View, Mohamed I. Shaker, p. 199-202
21. The 1985 NPT Review Conference, Linda Gallini 203-210
22. A Soviet Perspective on the Future of Nonproliferation, Sergey I. Kislyak, p. 211-218
23. Prospects for Nonproliferation, Joseph Nye, p. 219-225
24. The Nonproliferation Dilemma: Participation or Absention?, Myron Kratzer, p. 227-234
25. Conclusion, Rodney W. Jones, Cesare Merlini, Joseph F. Pilat, and William C. Potter, p. 235-240
Index, p. 241-249
About the Contributors, p. 251-253
About the Editors, p. 255