Osservatorio sulla Difesa Europea, January 2001
January 2001
EU Swedish Presidency - ESDP
Sweden took over the EU rotating Presidency; the new Presidency has committed itself to furthering the ESDP according to the document agreed in Nice and has declared that it will focus on the development of non-military tools for crisis management.
January 2001
EU – NATO Meetings
Formal and informal meetings between EU organs and governments and NATO and the USA took place during the month.
There have not been any further steps forward; the Turkish opposition has not been overcome.
January 2001
Europe – NATO Relations – Depleted Uranium
Some European governments, concerned with soldiers that have fallen ill after serving in the Balkans, raised a harsh debate on the use of depleted uranium weapons in the region.
The dispute has strained relations between many EU members, on the one hand, and NATO and the US, backed by the United Kingdom, on the other.
28 January 2001
OCCAR – Legal Status and Membership
OCCAR has acquired a legal status that will enable the Organisation to Act on behalf of its Members in the management of industrial programs.
The Netherlands, Spain and Belgium are expected to joint the Organisation soon; adhesion is partially connected to the evolution of the A400M transport aeroplane procurement and management program.
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, 2001 -