What Makes Economic Differentiation Effective? Insights from the EU Energy Sector, Banking Union and Third-Country Access to the Single Market
Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio
In: The International Spectator 57/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2022 -
Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs) as a New Form of Differentiation
Andreas Eisl
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 18
What type of differentiation in EU economic governance after COVID?
Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio
In: EU IDEA Papers Op-ed 12
How Effective is Differentiation in the EU Economic Policy Field?
Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio
In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 8
External Differentiation in Access to the Single Market: Effectiveness, Accountability and Political Unity
Andreas Eisl
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 9
Brexit and External Differentiation in Single Market Access
Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Brief 1