Towards a Human and Humane Approach? The EU Discourse on Migration amidst the Covid-19 Crisis
In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, the EU discourse on migration has acquired a humanitarian dimension that deserves investigation. The European Commission in particular has provided a discursive conceptualisation of the European human and humane approach to migration, promoting a change in the EU migration frame. Qualitative discourse analysis suggests that the European Commission’s programmatic discourse is not just a coordinative discourse among policy actors, it rather aims to shape the preferences of EU policy-makers emphasising strategic ideas and principles enshrined in EU Treaties. The Covid-19 crisis could thus be a window of opportunity for the European Union to embark on a new migration governance framed within a humane approach.
Keywords: Covid-19 crisis; migration; human security; European Commission; humanitarian discourse
The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 2, June 2021, p. 19-37 -
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