ENSURED - Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European Union Support for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance
Start/End: 2023 - 2026ENSURED is a collaborative project consisting of 14 partners from all around the word, whose aim is to understand how the EU and its Member States can defend and transform the multilateral system...
The EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Dialogue (TTD)
Start/End: 2022 - 2025The TTD aims to support the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), which was created to foster transatlantic alignment on trade, technology and economic policies. In partnership with the...
The Nexus Between Health and Security and the Role of Italian Private Sector
Start/End: 2024 - 2025The objective of the project is to analyse the importance of the epidemic risk for European and global security, as well as to foster a public debate regarding the role played by the private...
AI Governance and Geopolitical Challenges under Italy’s G7 Presidency
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), as co-chair of Think7 (T7) - the official engagement group of the Italian G7 presidency that brings together leading think tanks and research centres from...
Digital Innovation and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence: The Role of G7
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), as co-chair of Think7 (T7) – the official engagement group of the Italian G7 presidency that brings together leading think tanks and research centres from...
La cooperazione economica e tecnologica Ue-Usa di fronte alle nuove sfide geostrategiche e il ruolo dell'Italia
Start/End: 2023 - 2024The project seeks to explore the obstacles and possibilities for cooperation between the U.S. and Europe in key sectors, in the context of increasing geo-economic rivalry among global superpowers...
Global Health Security and Malaria: Strengthening Resilience in a climate change and AMR World
Start/End: 2023 - 2024This project examines the fight for the elimination of malaria as a case study for the broader debates that the global health community is currently engaged in, such as the climate change and...
A new agenda for development: the role of development cooperation in the Italian G7 Presidency
Start/End: 2023 - currentBuilding on the first phase of IAI’s partnership with Focus 2030, this project aims to continue fostering an evidence-based and multistakeholder conversation on Italy’s ODA, in light of the OECD-...
IAI-Intesa Sanpaolo Strategic Partnership
Start/End: 2020 - currentThis project – which the IAI conducts in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo – aims at analyzing the challenges of “geofinance”, studying the main developments and changes in the global economy and...
Infrastructure investments and the role of the G20
Start/End: 2019 - currentThe research project, which the IAI carries out with the think tank Bruegel, aims at investigating infrastructure investments as a crucial factor to foster global growth.
The research will...