ENSURED - Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European Union Support for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance
Start/End: 2023 - 2026ENSURED is a collaborative project consisting of 14 partners from all around the word, whose aim is to understand how the EU and its Member States can defend and transform the multilateral system...
Derisking delle catene del valore necessarie alle transizioni verde e digitale: l’azione dell’Italia nell’UE
Start/End: 2024 - 2025The geopolitical and geoeconomic shocks of the recent years have exposed the vulnerabilities of value chains and the EU’s strategic dependence on other global actors, such as China and the United...
The EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Dialogue (TTD)
Start/End: 2022 - 2025The TTD aims to support the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), which was created to foster transatlantic alignment on trade, technology and economic policies. In partnership with the...
The Nexus Between Health and Security and the Role of Italian Private Sector
Start/End: 2024 - 2025The objective of the project is to analyse the importance of the epidemic risk for European and global security, as well as to foster a public debate regarding the role played by the private...
IAI-Intesa Sanpaolo Strategic Partnership
Start/End: 2020 - currentThis project – which the IAI conducts in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo – aims at analyzing the challenges of “geofinance”, studying the main developments and changes in the global economy and...
The Think-20 (T20)
Start/End: 2015 - currentThe Think-20 (T20) serves as an “ideas bank” for G20. For this purpose, T20 organizes the analysis of global think tanks and high-level experts in order to provide analytical depth to ongoing G20...
Council of Councils (CoC)
Start/End: 2012 - currentSince 2012, IAI has been a member - the only Italian member - of the Council of Councils (CoC), a network of major international foreign policy think tanks organized by the Council on Foreign...
AI Governance and Geopolitical Challenges under Italy’s G7 Presidency
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), as co-chair of Think7 (T7) - the official engagement group of the Italian G7 presidency that brings together leading think tanks and research centres from...
The G7 and AI Governance
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The Istituto affare internazionali (IAI), along the year which saw the Italian government at the presidency of the G7, has undertaken a project to monitor and analyse the developments in the...
The G7 Policy Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), as co-chair of Think7 (T7) – the official engagement group of the Italian G7 presidency that brings together leading think tanks and research centres from...