C-SPACE - Conditions for Space Policy and related Action Plan Consolidation in Europe
Start/End: 2010 - 2011Objective of the C-Space project is the development of a comprehensive approach for an efficient and multi-sector (security, science, industry, etc.) European space policy:
- assessment of... -
CRESCENDO - Coordination action on Risks, Evolution of threatS and Context assessment by an Enlarged Network for an r&D rOadmap
Start/End: 2009 - 2011The project, within the PASR (Preparatory Action for Security Research), intends to create a network of European experts to assess the technological choices for security. The IAI is in charge of...
SANDERA - The future impact of defence and security on the European Research Area
Start/End: 2009 - 2011The research project focuses on the future relationship between the European Research Area (ERA) and EU security ad defence policies, analyzing in particular how this latter's development,...
EU-US Security Strategies
Start/End: 2010 - 2011In this project, lasting 14 months, IAI acts as project leader. The study intends to provide a comparative analysis of the EU-US relationship with regard, in particular, to the definition of the...
LIMES - Land/Sea Integrated Monitoring for European Security
Start/End: 2006 - 2010This programme aims to analyse and develop satellite services for security applications within the framework of the third part of the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security)...
MAGES - Mature Application of Galileo for Emergency Scenario
Start/End: 2007 - 2010This programme assesses and develop future emergency services for the satellite system GNSS Galileo.
Partners: EADS Astrium UK (Coordinatore), Consortium of European companies and...
DEFSEC - Study on industrial implications in Europe of the blurring of dividing lines between Security and Defence
Start/End: 2008 - 2010The study, commissioned by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry, aims to analyze the industrial and market implications of the blurring between the concepts of Security and Defence,...
OPERAMAR (An InterOPERAble Approach to European Union MARitime Security Management)
Start/End: 2008 - 2009The main purpose of this research project is to propose a model of interoperability for "Pan-European Maritime Security Awareness". In particular, such a models is supposed to reduce the...
Study on Suitable Governance and Data Policy models for a European Space Situational Awareness (SSA) System
Start/End: 2008 - 2008The study was commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) from a consortium led by FRS (Fondation pour la Récherche Stratégique, Paris). The study aimed to analyse a future European Space...
Staccato (STAkeholders platform for supply Chain mapping, market Conditions Analysis and Technologies Opportunities)
Start/End: 2007 - 2008STACCATO - a follow up activity of SeNTRE - was a European funded supporting activity under the Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR).
With the view to map the competences of the...