EvoCS - The evolving concept of security: A critical evaluation across four dimensions
The project aimed at examining the evolution of the concept of security, with a focus on European Union and its direct neighborhood. EvoCS provided an overview of the dimension and complexity of this concept. The research considered four case studies, sufficiently different from each other but at the same time representative of the European Union as whole: a) West Mediterranean EU b) Eastern EU Border c) North-Western EU d) South-Eastern Europe. The scope was to identify different concepts of security within the European context, which differ depending on place and time and to analyze similarities and differences between them. To achieve this, the EvoCS project brought together all relevant European stakeholders to discuss core values, threats to them and measures to be taken to protect them. The results of discussions and analyses with these stakeholders were used to formulate recommendations for changes in the working parameters of various types of security end-users and served as guidelines for policy makers who are responsible for formulating measures that influence an evolving European concept of security.
Partners: Fraunhofer (Germany, coordinator), Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Spain), IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali (Italy), PISM - Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych (Poland), HCSS - Den Haag Centrum voor Strategische Studies B.V. (The Netherlands), SSSUP - Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento with the partecipation of European research institutes and companies, Loughborough University (United Kingdom), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UCSC (Italy), Procon OOD (Bulgaria)
Sponsor: European Union - 7th Framework Programme
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