The future of AU-EU cooperation: Towards a new era?
In early March 2020 the EU presented its document “Towards a comprehensive Strategy with Africa” in order to pave the way towards a new partnership with the African continent. The IAI project aimed to analyse this question in relation to three pillars of the EU-AU relationship, that is: institutional relations, development and inequalities, and peace and security. These thematic areas were covered by three policy papers that were presented and discussed on the occasion of several events planned between October and December 2021.
The following research questions guided the analysis:
1) How has the institutional relationship between the AU and EU in the respective policy field evolved historically?
2) Are there structural asymmetries and inequalities in these practices? What are major fields of contestation between the AU and the EU?
3) What could a joint, inclusive, sustainable, and participatory approach look like?
Funding: Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
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