Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies - INCLUDING

The project is led by ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and has a five-year duration (2019-2024). The Project brings together 15 partners from 10 EU Member States operating in the field of radiological and nuclear emergencies (RN). Through INCLUDING, the members of the Consortium pursue to develop a Federation in which individual members can cooperate to provide a common framework to standardize access to their respective facilities, enhance interoperability and allow a more intensive use of equipment. At the same time, the project aims to strengthen practical know-how and a European training structure dedicated to radiological and nuclear emergencies professionals. The "Joint Actions" are the core of the project. These are multidisciplinary fieldwork exercises and simulations aimed at demonstrating not only the added value of the federated scheme but also the use of a web platform for the management of a pan-European network of structures and resources useful for training.
IAI leads the Work Package related to the study of the evolution of the radiological and nuclear threat in order to provide input to the scenarios of the Joint Actions as regards the identification and response to needs and gaps in the management of RN emergencies.
Funding: European Union–Horizon 2020