Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” - CREULAC

Latin America and the European Union can both learn from their respective experiences on crisis management and democratic implications at national and regional level. The Jean Monnet Network on crisis management, equity and democracy is developing a series of research activities and debates in both Latin America and the EU to stimulate a mutual learning and knowledge transfer. The thematic bi-regional structure allows for an in-depth analysis of the impact of different crisis in the Latin America and EU crisis, and of its management at national and regional level by applying different disciplines that go from economics, sociology to political science.
The network collaborates with the EU and Latin America national and regional institutions, social movements, the general public and media, to promote a bi-regional dialogue in the field of macroeconomic policies and governance.
The duration of the project is three years (September 2016-August 2019).
The network is coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Institute for Relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean (IRELAC) with the participation of:
- Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (Greece)
- Istituto Affari Internazionali (Italy)
- Academic Researcher: Stephan Schulmeister (Austria)
- Universidade de São Paulo
Funding: European Union – Jean Monnet Programme
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