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The new frontiers of natural gas in Europe

2022 - 2023

The objective of this research project is to analyse the role of gas in the context of the European energy transition. It will analyse the new frontiers of gas both in geographical terms and in terms of employment in new sectors where gas could have a strategic role, namely in sustainable mobility. The project aims at guiding market players in these strategic considerations and at feeding into the public debate, highlighting the macro-economic implications of the choices that both the public and private sector will face. The project will include two thematic IAI Papers with a focus on Europe and Italy in particular. The first paper will discuss the perspective for gas export from the East Mediterranean region, while the second paper will analyse the opportunities for small scale LNG in the transport sector at the Italian, European and Mediterranean level. The project will also involve the creation of working groups with experts from Edison and two events to present the research findings.

Funding: Edison SpA

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