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New-Med Research Network: The Future of Cooperation in the Mediterranean

2014 - 2023

Established in June 2014, the New-Med Research Network is an independent research and engagement initiative combining track II and track I.5 formats to address underlining security and socio-political trends taking place across the Mediterranean region. Initiated by the IAI, New-Med has benefitted from the support of the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
At the core of the New-Med’s activities stands the goal of promoting dialogue and human security across all Mediterranean states and societies. To this end, New-Med has engaged with multilateral, regional and sub-regional organisations as well as civil society, individual scholars and academic institutions across all shores of the Mediterranean. Through an extensive network, New-Med produces research on key trends shaping the region while engaging policymakers and civil society with fresh thinking on ways to enhance multilateral dialogue and cooperation.
From the climate-conflict-migration nexus, to cultural dialogue and diplomacy, regional connectivity, youth empowerment and the future of the OSCE Mediterranean Partnership, the Network has built a web of institutional partners in Mediterranean Basin states with which to collaborate on different issue areas.
Through reports, conferences and track II/I.5 initiatives, New-Med will continue to promote scholarly reflection on the changing scenarios in and around the Mediterranean, while providing input to political dialogues taking place in policy fora. New-Med remains committed to the principles of comprehensive security and equal dialogue enshrined in the OSCE and the OSCE Mediterranean Partnership and convinced of the enduring value of these principles to promote both the spirit and the practice of multilateral cooperation in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

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